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The Consortium for Israel and the Asylum Seekers was created as a response to the humanitarian situation in the asylum-seeking community and has become a leading voice in the struggle to create a viable and fair resolution both for Israel and for the asylum-seeking population.
Every nation has seen a rising influx of refugees in their countries. As Jews and as human beings, we are reminded again and again by events unfolding around us of the moral imperative of caring for the stranger, as we were once strangers in Egypt.
What We Do
The Consortium works with local organizations to address the needs of the asylum-seeking population:
Humanitarian Assistance: Pesia's Kitchen rescues hundreds of tons of food and feeds children in daycare and families at risk; Mothers Make a Difference connects volunteers and donors of food and baby supplies to those who need it most; Kuchinate provides psychosocial and material support to women suffering from PTSD; Terem Clinics provides urgent medical care to non-citizens.
Advocacy and Legal Support: HIAS Israel and Hotline for Refugees and Migrants provide legal representation for asylum seekers, and monitor conditions in local detention centers, and ASSAF advocates for the community politically, runs youth programming, and provides psychological and social support.
Housing, Employment, and Education: The African Refugee Development Center (ARDC), Schoolhouse, and the Eritrean Women's Community Center provide job training and support services. The Levinsky Garden Library provides after school enrichment. Unitaf operates quality childcare and Mesila provides social services to children and families.
African Asylum Seekers in Israel
There are currently 32,804 African asylum seekers living in Israel, most are from Eritrea and Sudan. They are fleeing violence, genocide, forced lifelong conscription, and religious persecution. No new arrivals hav reached . Israel from these countries since Israel sealed the border with Egypt.
In May of 2017, Israel implemented the "Deposit Law", requiring employers to withhold a significant portion of the wages of asylum seekers. Since this time, it has been difficult for families to take care of their basic needs.
In December of 2017, the Israeli government announced plans to deport the asylum seekers to a third country. A massive public outcry and mobilization led to the breakdown of the plan, yet the asylum-seeking population remains in limbo and the challenges to their livelihood, housing, education, and integration continue.

Our Mission
Working together to help Israel
and to help the African asylum-seeking community in Israel
The Consortium for Israel and the Asylum Seekers (CIAS) is a forum for representatives of organizations and individuals within and outside of Israel working to coordinate efforts and share information regarding the situation of asylum seekers in Israel.